LoginSecure Slideshow: Slideshow is visible in the DOM but not on the webpage?
Most of the time this is due to a conflict with the template it is installed on and/or the fact that the option Module Height (%/px)* is not set in the module parameters.
This setting is located inside the "Styling Tab" under "Extension Styling".
Troubleshooting Steps
STEP 1: Switching from units for testing.
- If you have already set the height in percentage and the slideshow does not show up then please try it in pixels (Example: 500px).
- When the video element shows up then there is a conflict between the slideshow and your template.
- Please check via your browsers Developer Tools where the conflict is or create a ticket.
- If it does not show up please continue to step 2.
- When the video element shows up then there is a conflict between the slideshow and your template.
STEP 2: Making the units important.
- Now please modify the 500px that you put in at step one to (Example: 500px!important).
- When the video element shows up then there is definitely a conflict between the slideshow and your template.
- Please check via your browsers Developer Tools where the conflict is or create a ticket.
- If it does not show up please continue to step 3.
- When the video element shows up then there is definitely a conflict between the slideshow and your template.
STEP 3: Switching themes.
- Try switching from theme and don't forget to set the height again to 500px!important.
- When the video shows up now then the problem is related to only the other theme.
- Meaning that we should really take a look at what is causing this behavior so please create a ticket.
- When the video shows up now then the problem is related to only the other theme.
*The Module Height setting is locked to the selected theme so it is possible that when you switch themes you need to set this setting again for the new theme.