Confirming that you consent to this website storing information!
Upon first logging in to our website, you will be greeted with a message asking you to consent to our privacy policy. We are very sorry for this inconvenience, but by law we are required to ask for your consent since we need to store information that you provide to us to do our job and deliver the service that you requested. Next to receiving this upon first logging in, we will ask you again in about 360 days after giving consent to give it to us again. You will receive 30 days before that, a message in the registered email account. For more information about this, please see our privacy policy.
On this page, we dive deeper into what you are going to see upon first log in or when to renew the consent.
1. First, you will see a blue notice on your screen after logging in:
2. At the same time, you can also see your profile page:
There is a very good chance, that the password field is prefilled with data you stored into your browser. Please make sure to remove this prefilled password, otherwise you will receive an error message.
3. Below on the profile page, you can see the consent area, if you click on the orange link called "Privacy Policy" you can read the privacy policy, (you can always read the privacy policy from the link into the footer that is on every page of our website.):
4. Make sure to set the radio button to "I agree" and click on Submit to save this information.
5. Thank you for your consent, and we will sent you an email (titled: Privacy Consent at LoginSecure UG) in about 330 days from now as a reminder to extend this consent. If you do not extend it, we will automatically cancel your consent in 360 days. (If this happens, please go back to step 1 of this knowledge base article.)