How to create folders in your mail account?
It takes only a few steps to create folders for your mail account. Those steps are listed below.
TIP: If you use IMAP then all folders will be synced with your email software. If your software allows syncing.
- Go to your ROUNDCUBE webmail. Example:
- Fill in your full email address: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
- And your password.
- Click on login.
- Click on the "Gear" icon at the bottom left of your screen.
- Click on Manage folders.
- You should now see the next screen.
- Click here on the "Add" icon inside the second column to add a new folder.
- You can fill in all your setting in the new screen that is now visible in the third column.
Folder name
Fill in here your preferred name
Parent folder
Select the parent folder or use --- for the root.
List view mode
Choose between list or threaded. List view shows your messages sorted by date or subject while threaded view shows conversations spawning multiple messages grouped together as a thread.
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